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3 Secrets For A Sane September

by Alexandra Nodes

For some, September means saying goodbye to the good times of summer and getting stuck into the drudgery of winter. If you’re feeling the back-to-school blues, here are a few things to think about to bring the “Earth, Wind and Fire” back to September.


1. Earth: Take Stock

September is typically a time for re-evaluating, and it’s important to look around you and see what is already there.

This summer, I saw my daughter explore the same landscapes as I did as a child. I was able to teach her about the plants and herbs growing wild in Galicia, and enjoy the figs, apples, pears, plums, blackberries and oranges we picked ourselves. This brought back so many memories of my own childhood and reminded me of the overwhelming abundance of nature.

Summers in Galicia and at our farmhouse remind me of how plentiful nature can be, and of how oh-so-simple pleasures can make a world of difference to our physical and psychological well-being. Wherever you are, try to mentally catalogue the good things already present in your life – however simple – instead of counting up the things you don’t have or want more of.

2. Wind: Stay Natural

I’ve always been inspired by nature, and certainly feel happiest when surrounded by green. Whether it’s forest bathing, picking seasonal fruits, or creating my own plant and herb oils in the lab at our farmhouse in the countryside outside Barcelona, nature inspires our products at every step.

Escaping the urban sprawl is truly good for the soul, and even when I come back to the city I am fortunate enough to have easy access to a more bucolic lifestyle whenever I need it. If escaping to the country isn’t an easy option, little things like taking a walk in a park or bringing natural greens or wild mushrooms into the kitchen can refresh our connection to nature.

Our skincare products are made with all-natural botanicals because they have a powerful effect on skin, and also because I know first hand how natural aromatherapeutic plant and herb extracts and essential oils can affect your mood and well-being as well as appearance. So much more than simply skin care, nature is part of a holistic approach to health and lifestyle, so get it anywhere and anytime you can!

3. Fire: Make A Promise

We tend to think of Spring as a time of rebirth. As the season blooms, and we stretch and emerge bleary-eyed from winter, it’s easy to feel the charge of possibility in the air.

For me though, I have always felt the most energised at this time of year. There are so many things I love about Autumn, and ever since I was a child (new haircuts, new school shoes, a chill in the air on a late summer day) I loved coming back from Galicia refreshed, energised and viscerally switched on from nature and that wild, inspirational landscape.

I find that September (rather than say, New Year), is a great time to make myself a promise or two. Routine goes out of the window in Summer, so deciding to make an effort to experiment more in the kitchen, or to plan more cultural family activities, can give September a more definite shape.

Even carrying on some of your summer habits can be a great thing. Taking the time to read is one joy of summer, and I’m determined to make more time to curl up with a good book this winter (there’s a post on reading tips comping up soon!)


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